Fortune Machine

What is
Fortune Machine
It is a smartphone app that provides users with staking and mining facilities. Apart from these facilities, we offer other projects that assist you in MLM earnings, MLM tokens, and referral earnings. Earn more without stressing much.

Sign Up via a Referral by
Registering for a New Account
A referral code is required to sign up via referral
A referral code will be provided by your direct associate
Copy iFortune address from the fortune machine app and paste that address on iFortuneX Exchange to send the coins and check the iFortune coins on the app.
Once confirmed coins will be deposited in your stake wallet

Add iFortune Coin and Stake
Press power button daily to avoid losing rewards

Staking & Minting Rewards

Staked CoinsCurrent PriceValue (USD)
Total Staking100 IFC$10$1000
Total Earning100 IFC * 2.5x = 250 IFC x $10= $2500
- Re-staking or buying of the new coins will be required after that when you have earned 2.5X IFC of staked coins in Reward Wallet to keep your ID active.
- Once you have earned 2.5x IFC of staked coins then your staked coins will be zero.
- Activation Time is 1 Month from the day when you have earned 2.5X income.
Level Bonus Rewards
Invite others to become iFORTUNE Stakeholders & earn more.
Teams are rewarded as they grow within each Income level as is shown in the table below:
15 Income Levels = 60%
Associates Required to Qualify in Each Level
Min Ten Associates required To qualify for all the 15 levels


Coin | Day |
10 | 1 Coin/Per Day… |
50 | 2 Coin/Per Day… |
100 | 3 Coin/Per Day… |
250 | 10 Coin/Per Day… |
500 | 25 Coin/Per Day… |
1000 | 50 Coin/Per Day… |
3000 | 100 Coin/Per Day… |